Experience and Expertise...
a Winning Combination

  • Uniquely qualified
  • Over 30 years of travel industry experience to leverage for your success
  • Virtually all facets of travel industry
  • Suppliers, agents, consortia, chains, and more can benefit
  • Fortune 100 to small business experience

Passion for Your Business...
and Your Success

  • Work hard, achieve but “enjoy the journey”
  • Track record of personal investment in your success
  • Passion is what propels us … passion for your success
  • Its all about you. Put our passion for your success to work for you

Only Results Matter...
and Yours Are Guaranteed!

  • Hard work, long days matter not if they don’t lead to desired results. Results are all that matter to us as well!
  • Big or small, every assignment is viewed as a project, managed "start-to-finish" and leading to defined results
  • We stand behind our work … and guarantee results!

Here’s to Your Success! What’s Your Goal?

Welcome to our brand new web site. The site itself is new but it’s been more than 30 years in construction. Huh? How can that be? It’s because we formed Jack E. Mannix & Associates on the foundation of expertise honed over more than three decades of learning and experience. During those years, we gained tremendous knowledge of virtually all facets of business in general, the travel industry more specifically and had the privilege of working in most areas of the business, from travel agent to President & CEO.

There are lots of consultants in the marketplace, including many excellent ones, so what makes us so different? Three things: our unique blend of experience, our genuine passion for the success of hard working and capable individuals and our willingness to stand behind our work to the point we guarantee results.

Whether you’re a cruise line, online agency, tour operator, insurance provider, traditional travel agent, host agency, home based counselor, tourist board, consortium, franchisor or any other entity, we guarantee we can help you be more successful. For those who are finding the challenges numerous – and for those who are quite satisfied with their present level of success – we will help you achieve another level of success.

So let’s get started! Let us know how we can help you now.


I have always been impressed with Jack's ability to see from a thirty-thousand-foot perspective, his depth of business acumen and, more specifically, his intimate industry knowledge. He seems to know "everyone" and possesses outstanding interpersonal skills. You can tell he takes a genuine personal interest in everyone he meets. With his background ranging from small business management right up to Fortune 100 experience, he is well equipped to deal with any level issue from strategy and business planning to teaching people better selling skills. He gets it.Lynne Biggar
Senior Vice President & General Manager
Membership Rewards & Loyalty Management
American Express Company

Copyright 2010 Jack E. Mannix & Associates. All Rights Reserved